Clanard Court Hotel

clanard court hotelClanard Court Hotel
Dublin Road
Co. Kildare

Ph: +353 (0)59 8640666

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Clanard Court Hotel is a hidden gem tucked away in the Kildare countryside and very popular due to its proximity to . What better way to spend a weekend getaway than shopping for top brands, followed by superb cuisine and spa pampering.

There are many local amenities such as the Japanese Gardens & National Stud, a day out at the races in Punchestown Racecourse, shopping as mentioned at Kildare Village, Golf at Athy Golf Course and other courses in the area like Kilkea, Rathsallagh and Dumurray Springs. If leisurely strolls and walks are for you, why not take a ramble around the Heritage town of Athy with its heritage centre in the town square. The centre houses a permanent exhibition to Ernest Shackleton, the Great Artic Explorer.

Complimentary bikes are also available at reception to take in the sights like Athy Castle and the river Barrow.