Day Out at Jump Zone Santry Junior Review

My review of Jump Zone Santry by Jack age 10
I thought it was amazing! The setup there was very good. I recommend this for parties or family days out. It’s fun for all the family.
Foam Pit
The foam pit is so much fun. Anyone can do it! It is a pit full of foam blocks. You can do flips and tricks into it as long as you don’t go head first!
This is fun for everyone. You can play with your friends or just play with other people. Everyone can play and no one should be left out. There is even a special court for parties.
Basketball is another sport they have at Jump Zone. The nets are very high so you have to jump on the trampoline to get it. There are two courts so you split into teams.
Free Bounce
This is where most of the trampolines are. The whole wall and floor is a trampoline. There are two red blocks to sit on if you need a break or to jump off onto the trampolines.
The staff are very good. They always encourage you to do things. They will help you if you need it. When you have a party you get a guide to bring you to everything and show you what to do.
Everyone who goes on the trampolines get gripped socks that you can keep. My personal favourite is the foam pit. If you like trampolines then this is the place to go.
Tip – You get very warm so bring water or there’s a coffee shop there. You can also bring €2 for the wind machine which cools you down nicely
For more information on Jump Zone Santry